Cives New England DivisionNew England Division
103 Lipman Road, P.O. Box 1077
Augusta, ME 04330-04332
Tel: (207) 622-6141
Fax: (207) 622-2151

Cives Steel New England Division is located in Augusta, ME. This plant opened in 1961 and was located in the heart of what was the country’s growing paper manufacturing industry. During these early days, New England Division fabricated structural steel for many of the large paper machines, boiler buildings, and turbine structures associated with the major paper making plants.

As the paper making industry in the United States declined, New England established itself as the go-to supplier of structural steel for commercial projects in the New England market for structures such as stadiums, high rises, hospitals, universities, laboratories, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and more.

New England Division maintains an AISC Simple and Intermediate Bridge Fabricator certification with a Fracture Critical Endorsement along with its Building Fabricator certification. Equipped with the latest heavy CNC-driven equipment and cranes that can hoist large members, New England Division can support the heaviest and most complex fabrication projects.